Some of you, especially those that have met me fairly recently, may not know this about me: I wanted to sing in a rock band at one point. I was auditioning and everything. And I had two little pins on the bag I took to work with me every day (teaching preschool at that point). Once said "All grown up and still waiting to be a rock star." The other said, "I'm just working here until I become a rock star." Two variations on the same theme.
Also, some of you may not know that I have a girl-crush on Cristina Scabbia, the lead singer of Lacuna Coil. Because she's awesome, and she's over 40 and still looks that good, that's why.
Anyway, on to this dream I had. In this dream, I was in my old, old apartment... the one I had in Molalla before I took this job I currently have (property management). And what I was doing in that apartment was packing away everything I had that pertained at all to music or my rock band aspirations into boxes, leaving the apartment pretty much empty. And also Cristina Scabbia was there. And I gave her some piece of rock-ish looking jewelry of mine (I think it was a necklace) and told her that she should wear it for me next time she was on a magazine cover, and that I had been planning to wear it for a magazine cover but that probably wasn't going to happen now.
No, the symbolism of this dream is not particularly deep. And I guess what disturbed me about it is that I haven't even really thought much about how completely different of a direction my life has gone in than what I always hoped it would. But I guess my subconscious has been doing some meditation on just that subject and felt the need to let my more conscious mind know what was going on.
It's true that I do have a rather ludicrously boring "grown-up" job now. I don't even get to play with play-doh at work anymore. Or cornstarch and water. Nor do I get to put glitter and feathers on things.
Still not sure what I'm going to have to do about this, but clearly my subconscious is not thrilled about something.
No other point to this blog post, really. I'm still deep in thought about this. I'll update later, maybe, but if anyone has something useful to say about it they can leave it in the comments.
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