Hello to whoever is reading this (the reading several, as you shall now be known).
"But you already HAVE a blog!" I hear you protest. "What's up with this shiny new one that has bright, happy colors on it?" That, o reading several, is what this post shall aim to explain (and then I'll move on to other more fun posts).
You see, when I started this blog on Halloween of 2009 I was just beginning the long trudge out of a depression that had lasted several years (since approximately 2002). I was 27 years old, had just started a new job, had recently moved into my first house with heat in nearly a decade, and I thought things were starting to look up, maybe.
Well, I still had a lot of mental manure to shovel, to be blunt.
That other blog, titled "The Confused Ramblings of a Deranged Mind", reflects a lot of that shoveling process. And while I still have quite a few posts over there that I quite like, a lot of it is depressing to me now. And I was sort of looking at things I had written about myself in the earlier years and I realized that isn't really who I am anymore. More than that, I don't want to be that person anymore. I mean, sure, it's still me and all those things led me to where I am now, but I feel that the overall mood of the blog (and the title) no longer suits me.
So now we (I) introduce to you the Diary of a Pretend Grown-Up. (insert fanfare here) I chose this title because even though I'm over 30 now I still feel like I'm making this Grown-Up thing up as I go, and I'm sure there are others out there who feel the same (and if you don't, you're lying!). I still cling to the notion that I might get things figured out before I'm 40, however, and this blog is intended to chronicle that figuring out... along with any other random bits of fluff I decide to pitch in there.
The old blog is not going to go away, and it will still be there for anyone who cares to view it (meaganmireya.blogspot.com), but I won't be posting over there anymore. Sometime I might even go look it over myself just to remember how far I've come. But from here on out, the party is over here. Yes, there are still a few things I did on the old blog that I'll probably keep doing here - aliases for my friends and loved ones, random insertion of song titles that I'm listening to as I write, and my annual "The Difference a Year Can Bring" posts will likely follow us here.
I'm now 31 (next month, anyway), mother to a middle-schooler (I'm still having some trouble making myself say that), involved in a pretty ridiculously serious relationship, and employed at a job that makes me dress like a grown-up. It's been a long road to get here, but overall I'm loving where I'm at right now. It's been a wild ride to get here, and it continues to be crazy at times. If you're the sort of voyeur who likes to peep into someone else's life and maybe live a bit vicariously through them, this blog is for you. If you just know me and you have a passing interest in knowing more about me, this blog is also for you.
Welcome to my new world order!
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